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prize wheel

Fortuna Prize Wheel

Examples of Customization

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Use our word document as a template to print your individual 'labels' - prizes, where the size, font, and colour are ready to use or change as you like for a quick custom layout

By covering  the yellow and dark blue wedges, a new look is created.

Some metallic birthday paper made it extra eye-catching. You can cover all wedges to be in your brand colours. Doing something like this means you can reduce the number of wedges/prizes over-all, as well as increase the chances  of 'cheap' prizes being won, and minimise the chances of a 'big' prize/s being won.

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An example using our ready made vinyl wedges, which you can use.

fortuna prize wheel

Here the customer had one printed overlay circle with their colour choice etc for their wedge design.

A printed piece could have been added onto the stationary blank logo disc.

Do as some customers do, and get a single large circle printed in thin cardboard/paper, at Officeworks and the like.

A good design can display your logo, Insta, Facebook, QR code, website, etc very well.

With your ready art-work, we can supply the single printed overlay of your new design if you like, for a fee.


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A Christmas party saw some very appealing prizes here. Even a couple of 'booby' prizes for extra fun!

A rough example of how to add your own special 'labels'. Above I've just printed a small voucher image from Bunnings web page, (which appears bit dull). Being placed on big wedge areas means that (low value) prizes can be won more often.The black wedges could be for extra special prizes.

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Using a middle 'logo disc'  attachment which remains upright during spins. A 1 in 40 chance of a win here.

See Fortuna videos

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Started removing customer's custom work before the photo.

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Prize Wheels Australia logo

© 2014 by Sun and Fun Floss. 

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